

Harmonelo Detox

Satisfied liver and kidneys

Harmonelo DETOX is a liquid dietary supplement containing a completely unique blend of several valuable substances that contribute to the normal function of our main detoxifying organs, i.e. the liver and kidneys. Effective herbs and vitamins combined with a blend of specially selected tyndallized probiotics provide real support for cleansing our body, strengthening our natural immunity and helping the natural functioning of the kidneys and liver. DETOX is a liquid dietary supplement based on fructooligosaccharide fibre, which is a prebiotic that effectively nourishes our friendly gut bacteria. By purchasing this product, you are contributing to the HARMONELO HOPE foundation.


Main benefits

  • High bioavailability
  • 100% vegan
  • Soy-free
  • 100% free of artificial colours
  • Gluten free
  • Lactose free
  • Low glycemic index
  • 100% free of artificial sweeteners
  • Unique combination of probiotic mix
  • Contains valuable bioactive compounds
  • Also suitable for people suffering from histamine intolerance
  • Mix of powerful antioxidants

What does it contribute to?

  • Complete detoxification of the body
  • Supports normal kidney function
  • Supports normal liver function
  • Proper function of the immune system and natural defences
  • Aids the formation of red blood cells
  • Normal functioning of the nervous system
  • Normal functioning of the digestive system
  • Gut microbiome support
  • Normal functioning of the urinary tract
  • Contributes to proper lipid metabolism

Active substances

Tyndallized probiotics

Tyndallized probiotics

The probiotic cultures we use are tested and safe friendly bacteria that naturally inhabit the human digestive tract.

Dog rose

Dog rose

Used to support normal bladder, kidney and digestive function.

European goldenrod

European goldenrod

It is attributed with diuretic and disinfectant action.

Hoary willowherb

Hoary willowherb

It is especially valued for its antioxidant effects and positive influence on the urinary tract.



It can support urinary tract function, digestion, relieve bloating and inflammation.

Milk thistle

Milk thistle

A powerful and effective antioxidant that promotes proper liver function.



It can have a positive effect on metabolism. It is used for liver support.

Reishi mushroom (reishi)

Reishi mushroom (reishi)

Natural reservoir of beta-glucans. May be beneficial for liver function.

Vitamin B6

Vitamin B6

To maintain correct mental performance, nervous and immune system function.

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12

Necessary for the proper functioning of blood formation and the nervous system, it is also essential for the metabolism of proteins, fats as well as carbohydrates.

Vitamin D3

Vitamin D3

It supports bone health, immunity and proper calcium absorption, and is also important for muscles.

Soluble fibre FOS

Soluble fibre FOS

Contains a new generation of probiotics based on enzymatically liquefied chicory fructooligosaccharides.


Duration of use

20 ml once a day in the morning before a meal.

1 measuring cup daily

If you use multiple Harmonelo products at once and have no experience with using fiber, we recommend combining our products so that your daily consumption does not exceed 1 measuring cup.

Maximum 4 types of syrups

We highly recommend using a maximum of 4 Harmonelo products together. You can add more products as soon as your body gets used to fiber and other ingredients, ideally at least one week apart. Always respect your feelings.


In case of overdose with our syrup, there is no risk to your health. A temporary feeling of bloating and increased flatulence may appear, as our body gets used to fiber gradually.


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Harmonelo Detox

Tyndallized probiotics


The probiotic cultures we use are tested and safe friendly bacteria that naturally inhabit the human digestive tract. In general, probiotics are understood as substances that positively influence the development of the intestinal microbiota. The product contains tyndalised probiotics. Tyndalisation is a special heat treatment of probiotics, which allows probiotics to retain their beneficial effects, while removing some of their disadvantages. Another advantage is that probiotics treated in this way can be stored at room temperature or in liquids, for example. Tyndalised probiotics have a positive effect on digestion, the immune system, metabolism, prevention of diarrhoea, irritable bowel syndrome, skin health, inflammation, infections and much more. It's no wonder research comes up with the fact that up to 80 percent of immunity is in the gut. The product is composed of a mix of twelve probiotic strains represented by bifidobacteria, lactobacilli and streptococci. Up to 10 billion friendly bacteria are present in the daily recommended dose.

Dog rose


Contains high amounts of vitamin C and flavonoids. It is credited with having a positive effect on the normal functioning of the bladder, kidneys and digestion. It is considered to be an antioxidant, helping natural immunity, proper function of the immune and respiratory systems. It contributes to the good condition of your skin. It may also support normal joint health.

European goldenrod


It is a perennial herb of the star family. It is attributed with diuretic and disinfectant action. It has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. It is used especially for its inflorescence. It is valued for supporting normal kidney and urinary tract function. It also helps to promote metabolism. It contains several important bioactive substances, especially terpenoids, saponins, flavonoids or phenols.

Hoary willowherb


This plant from the umbelliferous family contains several beneficial substances. It is especially valued for its antioxidant effects. It contains flavonoids, tannins, glycosides and vitamin C. It can have a positive effect on the urinary tract or prostate. It can also be helpful for menstrual difficulties and menopause. It is recommended for general detoxification of the body. It is often used as a phytotherapeutic.



A perennial and versatile herb. It has diuretic effects and can be helpful in kidney or urinary tract problems. It may be beneficial against flatulence, promote digestion and help with heartburn. It is also widely used for its anti-inflammatory action and for potential respiratory relief from coughs.

Milk thistle


A powerful and effective antioxidant that is credited with the ability to protect liver cells. It may support liver function and be helpful in fighting liver diseases (such as cirrhosis, hepatitis or fatty liver). It can also have a positive effect on the kidneys, normal digestion and cleansing the body. It is valued as a boost for natural defenses, regeneration and anti-inflammatory ability.



A perennial herb usually found in deciduous forests of temperate Europe. Since the Middle Ages, its marigold and flower have been used in folk medicine to support liver function. It can have a positive effect on fat metabolism, bile production and relieve inflammation. It has a diuretic and beneficial effect on the urinary tract. It is also used for coughing difficulties.

Reishi mushroom (reishi)


Reishi sa považuje za jednu z najcennejších húb. Obsahuje jedinečnú zmes bioaktívnych látok. Je významným zdrojom antioxidantov, vitamínov, minerálov, polysacharidov a sterolov. Označuje sa ako huba dlhovekosti. Je tiež prírodnou zásobárňou beta-glukánov. Pripisuje sa jej schopnosť podporovať imunitu, správnu funkciu krvného obehu a normálnu hladinu cholesterolu. Môže byť prospešná proti ochoreniam pečene, pretože má potenciálnu schopnosť regenerovať pečeňové bunky.

Vitamin B6


Vitamin B6 is a water-soluble vitamin. All forms of vitamin B6 can be found in food and are absorbed in the intestine. Good sources of vitamin B6 are animal products such as liver, meat, eggs and plant products, various types of fruit, vegetables, cereals and wholemeal bread. Cooking or heat-treating of these foods decreases the amount of vitamin B6 due to water loss. People with a large protein intake (professional athletes) or women using hormonal contraception need a larger amount of this vitamin. Larger doses facilitate the production of red blood cells, the normal function of the nervous system or mental activity. It plays a very important role in movement, energy and blood flow. Pyridoxine is helpful for our proper function, harmony and good mood.

Vitamin B12


It contributes to the proper functioning of the immune system. Its deficiency is associated with anaemia, memory impairment and lower mental performance. The main sources of vitamin B12 include animal products, it is almost not found in plant-based diet.

Vitamin D3


Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is literally a key element for our bones and teeth. It also has a positive effect on our immunity and defences. It is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is also important for our muscle tissue and for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus into our bodies. It is synthesized with the help of sunlight. Nowadays, many people suffer from its deficiency and do not take it in the amount that is needed.

Soluble fibre FOS


A new generation of prebiotics based on modified, enzymatically liquefied chicory fructooligosaccharides contributes to natural restoration of intestinal microbiota. It affects all parts of the intestine, both small and large. Fructooligosaccharides cannot be used, digested or absorbed by our body. However, they are an important nutrient for beneficial intestinal bacteria. In the colon, they also increase the production of butyrate by friendly intestinal bacteria. Butyrate is a very beneficial substance for our body. It also serves as a source of energy for intestinal mucosa cells, thus helping restore its integrity.